The EARA initiative aims to strengthen awareness of National Institutes of Health (NIH) resources and funding opportunities that would support RAIs. This page provides curated information regarding resources and support for RAIs, the NIH research grants process, and a select group of the latest announcements on funding opportunities. Visit the NIH Office of Extramural Research website for a full listing of funding opportunities.
Available Funding Opportunities
Explore the latest information on funding opportunities from individual NIH Institutes/Centers as well as NIH-Wide Grants Programs. Funding is available to build research capacity, promote diverse perspectives, and support career development and research training.
Understanding the Grants Application and Awards Process
Explore resources to understand the grants application process and peer review of awards. NIH-wide and Institute/Center-specific information is available.
Grants Application and Awards Process
Writing Your Application
Find guidance on writing your application and crafting specific aims that will test your hypothesis.
Understanding Policies that Apply to NIH Grants
Explore NIH grants policies, application review study sections that match your work, and more.