In 2022, the COSWD office along with participating institutes, centers, and offices from across NIH offered for the first time grant supplements that recognized excellence in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility mentorship.
These institutional awards support principal investigators who are outstanding mentors and who have demonstrated compelling commitments and contributions to enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the biomedical sciences.
The supplements are expected to total more than $27 million. In fiscal year 2022, 84 awards were made, and in fiscal year 2023, 30 were made. The award recipients are listed below. For more details about a specific award, search NIH RePORTER by the project number.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jennifer S. Pollock. Award #R25DK115353-04
University of Arizona
Michael David Leslie Johnson. Award #GM128653-05S2
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Billy R. Thomas. Award #GM083247-12S1
California State University Fullerton
Archana J. McEligot. Award #R25-AG069711 (two year award)
California State University San Marcos
Anna Woodcock. Award #GM138437
Northern California Institute for Research and Education
Brian Feeley. Award #R01-AR072669-05S2
San Diego State University
Elva M. Arredondo. Award #R01-HL158538 (two year award)
San Francisco State University
Raymond M. Esquerra. Award #GM145400-01S1
Leticia Maria Márquez-Magaña. Award #U01-OD033243 (two year award)
Stanford University
Neir Eshel. Award #K08-MH123791
University of California, Berkeley
Michiko E. Taga. Award #R35-GM139633
University of California, Davis
Frédéric Louis Chédin. Award #GM007377-44S1
Aldrin V. Gomes. Award #GM135741-03S1
Valentina Medici. Award #TR001861-07S1
Jennifer Rosenthal. Award #HD101550-03S1
University of California, Santa Cruz
Rebecca Michelle Dubois. Award #R01AI144090-04
Needhi Bhalla. Award #R35-GM141835
University of California, San Diego
Francisco J. Contijoch. Award #HL143113-05S1
Mariana Cherner. Award #MH081482-16S1
Monica Guma. Award #AR073324-05S2
Biren Bharat Kamdar. Award #AG059936-05S1
University of California, San Francisco
Todd Nystul. Award #GM136348-03S3
Aparna Lakkaraju. Award #EY030668-03S2
Maria T. Chao. Award #AT010592-03S1
Marina Tolou-Shams. Award #DA046569-04S1
Elizabeth Fair. Award #R25AI147375-02
Melvin B. Heyman. Award #T32DK007762-44
Renuka Rajendra Nayak. Award #K08AR073930-04
University of California, Irvine
Elizabeth D. Peña. Award #DC018329-03S2
University of Colorado Denver
Katrina G. Claw. Award #HG011319-03S1
Sonia Castro Flores. Award #HL146166-04S1
University of Connecticut School of Med/Dnt
Cato T. Laurencin. Award #T32-AR079114
District of Columbia
American University
John Russell Bracht. Award #R15-GM146207
Georgetown University
Steven M. Singer. Award #R15-AI109591
Nova Southeastern University
Toshihisa Kawai. Award #R01-DE029709 (two year award)
University of Central Florida
Ladda Thiamwong. Award #R01-MD018025 (two year award)
Emory University
Tené T. Lewis. Award #R01-HL158141
Georgia Institute of Technology
Raquel L. Lieberman. Award #R01-EY021205
Georgia State University
Jianhua Wu. Award #HD105879-01S2
Kennesaw State University
Katherine Heimburger Ingram. Award #HD102957-01S1
Hawaii Pacific University
Halaevalu Vakalahi. Award #GM138435-03S1
Purdue University
Adrian Buganza Tepole. Award #R01-AR074525-04S2
Zoe Ellen Taylor. Award #R01-MD014187
Trustees of Indiana University
Patricia Silveyra. Award #R01-HL159764
University of Kansas Lawrence
Kelsie Forbush. Award #R34MH127022-01
Wichita State University
Moriah R. Beck. Award #GM140422-01A1S2 (two year award)
University of Louisville
John Pierce Wise. Award #R35-ES032876
Jackson Laboratory
Charles G. Wray. Award #GM142036-02S1
American Gastroenterological Assn/Inst
Byron Cryer. Award #R25DK118761-04
Johns Hopkins University
Casey Overby Taylor. Award #HG010714-03S1
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Elizabeth Parker. Award #GM129875-05S1
University of Maryland, College Park
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano. Award #R01-MH118320
Boston University (Charles River Campus)
Sarah C. Hokanson. Award #GM121257-05S1
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.
Brittany M. Charlton. Award #MD015256-03S1
Harvard School of Public Health
Karen M. Emmons. Award #T32-CA057711
Massachusetts General Hospital
Emily Parker Hyle. Award #R01-AG069575
Jessica Elizabeth Haberer. Award #R25-MH119857
University of Massachusetts Boston
Adán Colón-Carmona. Award #U54-CA156734 (two year award)
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Chiara Ghezzi. Award #R03DE030224-01A1 (two year award)
Michigan State University
Susan L. Ewart. Award #HL103156-12S1
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Gary W. Harper. Award #MH126703-02S1
Lona Mody. Award #AG062403-03S1
University of Minnesota
Tanya S. Freedman. Award #R01-AR073966-05S2
Yuclyn Jazmin Camchong. Award #K01AA026349-04
University of Southern Mississippi
Kelsey A. Bonfils. Award #R15-MH129814 (two year award)
Washington University
James Benjamin Skeath. Award #GM141639-02S1
New Hampshire
Dartmouth College
Alireza Soltani. Award #DA047870-05S1
New Jersey
Montclair State University
Yingying Yang. Award #HD103587-03S1
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Sunita Chaudhary. Award #R25-CA247785
New Mexico
University of New Mexico
Jessica R. Goodkind. Award #R01-MH127733 (two year award)
New York
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
John Greally. Award #AG057422-06S2
American Federation for Aging Research
Odette Van Der Willik. Award #AG065204-03S1
City College of New York
Karen Hubbard. Award #CA132378-14S1 (two year award)
Hospital for Special Surgery
Suzanne A. Maher. Award #T32-AR078751
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Silvia De Rubeis. Award #R01-HD104609
State University of New York at Buffalo
Margarita L. Dubocovich. Award #GM144920-01S1
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Juan Andres Melendez. Award #R15-CA274603 (two year award)
University of Rochester
Andrew Vaughn Samuelson. Award #AG062593-01S1
North Carolina
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Jonathan S. Berg. Award #HG009650-06S1
Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Glenn J. Lesser. Award #CA189824-09S2
North Dakota
University of North Dakota
Roxanne A. Vaughan. Award #GM104360-09S1
Oklahoma State University Stillwater
Elizabeth Anne McCullagh. Award #HD105231-01S1 (two year award)
Oregon Health & Science University
Lisa K. Marriott. Award #GM129840-05S1
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Aime T. Franco. Award #CA214511-05S2
Drexel University
Usama Bilal. Award #OD026429-05S1
Magee-Women's Research Institute and Foundation
Gerald Schatten. Award #R25AI164613-01
University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Alison J. Culyba. Award #HD098277-04S1
Sarah Jane Hainer. Award #R35-GM133732
Rhode Island
University of Rhode Island
Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing. Award #AA026876-05S1
South Carolina
University of South Carolina at Columbia
Reilly Enos. Award #AT010348-03S1
Meharry Medical College
Lamonica Vanette Stewart. Award #CA214220-05S1
Vanderbilt University
Tara McKay. Award #AG063771-04S2
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Consuelo Hopkins Weiss Wilkins. Award #P50-MD017347-02S1
Wonder P. Drake. Award #HL127301-07A1S1
Texas Tech University
Kamaleshwar P. Singh. Award #DK121362-01A1S1 (two year award)
University of Texas at Arlington
Alan Paul Bowling. Award #EB030842-01S2
Justyn Jaworski. Award #EB032766-01S1
University of Texas at Austin
Mia K. Markey. Award #EB007507-13S1
Amy Lee. Award #DA018926-18S1
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Sarah Elizabeth Messiah. Award #MD011686-05S2
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Monique Renae Pappadis. Award #AG065492-03S1
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Andrew T. C. Tsin. Award #R15-EY033551 (two year award)
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Carrie A. Cameron. Award #GM132219-04S1
University of Utah
Sara Grineski. Award #ES031497-02S1
Maija Holsti. Award #R25-HL108828
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Michael J. Boeckh. Award #T32AI118690-06A1
University of Washington
Mary E. Larimer. Award #AA007455-39S1
Ronald Y. Kwon. Award #AR074417-02S2
West Virginia
Marshall University
Daniel J. Morgan. Award #DA044999-05S2